Friday, November 28, 2008

The Star on the Top!

So this is our Christmas Tree! 
And It's also Tyler puttin' on the Star!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Big 8 Tag

8 Favorite TV Shows

1. Pinky and The Brain
2. Spongebob Squarepants
3. Fairly Odd Parents
4. The Office
5. Chowder
6. History Channel
7. HG TV
8. Camp Lazlo

8 Things I Did Yesterday

1. Rolled Out of Bed
2. Blogged 
3. Played Basketball
4. Played Football
5. Started My School Project
6. Played With Tyler
7. Watched Open Season
8. Read Brisingr

8 Things To Look Forward To

2. Christmas
3. Thanksgiving
4. The Weekend
5. Basketball Season
6. 2009
7. Christmas Break
8. Cold Hot Chocolatey Days

8 Favorite Restaurants

1. Outback
2. Brick Oven
3. PF Chang's
4. Red Robin 
5. Pizza Factory
6. Crown Burger
7. Bajio
8. Burger King

8 Things On My Wish List

1. Wii
2. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
3. Fuzzy Slippers
4. Receiver Gloves
5. A New Basketball
6. Artemis Fowl #6
7. National Treasure Soundtrack 
8. Mini BYU Basketball Hoop

8 People I Tag
1. Mom
2. Dad
3. Ty
4. Sam

I can't tag more than this. Seriously!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Basketball Hats

Me and Ty received cool hats from my popped basketball. I think they look nice.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tag From Carlie :-)

Carlie tagged me this morning on my 5 favorite things. Here they are!

1 My Family

2 The Salt Lake City Temple

3 Basketball

4 Football

5 Super Smash

Now I tag. . . TYLER!

Friday, November 7, 2008

New Football

So yer probably wonderin what ive spent some of my birthday money on. Well. . . HERE YA GO! Yellow Nerf Weather Blitz football right here Its so cool to throw and catch. I love it!!!