Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Bed

After Tyler left, me and my parents decided to use his bed for my room! It is soooooo comfy! Mom even made a bed skirt for it! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tree Platform

Yesterday, me and Dad built a tree platform! It rocks! Now I can go up there and read, write, or just rest. It was so fun being with Dad yesterday.

Me getting down.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


To help time go by faster while Tyler is on his mission, I have decided to learn a new sport. I LOVE LACROSSE!! There is even a new store in the mall called Crazy Canucks that sells Hockey and Lacrosse stuff. I have a stick, gloves (I'm not wearing them in this picture) a lacrosse ball and a mouth guard. This will help time fly these two years.

Tyler's Mission

Yesterday we sent Ty off to the MTC. It was hard to let him go, but I know he's doing the right thing. He will do so good, and will be a blessing to the people in Oakland. I love him so much!
Me and Ty hugging
Me, Ty and Dad in the MTC
Me and Tyler both received rocks that say "I can do hard things" from our stake president. I think that we will be able to even though we might struggle sometimes. I love Tyler.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Us As Babies

So, i'm kinda bored, so I'm blogging me, Ty, and Car's Baby Pictures. Enjoy!!!